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A wildlife camera is a special camera used to observe and record wild animals in their natural habitat. They are often used for research, hunting or just enjoying nature. These cameras can detect movement, heat or sound and automatically take photos or videos when activity is detected.
Watch the videos above for a full explanation of how wildlife cameras work with WiFi.
- Nature observation: They allow nature lovers to observe wildlife in their natural habitat without disturbance.
- Hunting: Hunters use wildlife cameras to track the behavior and movements of game in a hunting area.
- Research: Scientists use them to study the ecology and behavior of animals.
- Security: Some people use wildlife cameras to secure their property from intruders or theft.
Watch our product videos above or take the product type quiz to find out your ideal will-camera. If you have any questions, send us an email at
When choosing a wildlife camera, some important factors to consider are:
- Resolution: Higher resolution provides sharper images and videos.
- Detection range: The range within which the camera can detect motion.
- No-Glow or Low-Glow: Low glow and no glow LEDs refer to the infrared lighting used in wildlife cameras for night photography.
- Battery life: How long the camera can operate without interruption.
- Memory: The capacity to store images, SD cards.
- Weather resistance: Important for outdoor setups.
Afhænger af, hvor mange billeder og videoer du tager, men med billeder alene vil et vildtkamera holde flere måneder. Hvis du optager mange videoer, er det cirka 1 til 2 måneder i gennemsnit. Et vildtkamera med solpanel kan være en løsning, hvis du forventer at optage mange videoer.
Yes, a wildlife camera works fully automatically 24 hours a day.
Place your wildlife camera in strategic locations, such as watering holes, feeding areas, animal tracks, or narrow passages where animals pass. Make sure the camera is securely mounted on a stable surface to minimize movement. Wildlife cameras look straight ahead so if you want to record people, hang it at chest height. If you want to spot foxes, hang it around knee height, for example. Check out an extensive blog on wildlife camera placement here.
In most cases, it is legal to use wildlife cameras for personal use, nature observation and hunting, as long as you follow the laws and regulations in your region. However, it may be illegal to use wildlife cameras for commercial purposes without proper permits. In your own garden/forest/home or estate then you may record anything you want. If you go on someone else's property, ask permission first.
Yes, in every garden. Whether in town or village or mainland, a huge number of special 'guests' come sniffing by. We therefore guarantee that you will have shots of beautiful animals within 24 hours.
To extend battery life, consider buying a long-life wildlife camera and using power-saving settings. You can also use external battery packs or connect solar panels for long-term power. The lower the specifications the longer the battery will last. Normally, 8xAA batteries last several weeks to months with full-time use. Depending on how much and what you record. Taking photos costs less than recording lots and long videos.
You can view images from your wildlife camera by removing the SD card from the camera and inserting it into a computer or card reader.This can be done with the cable provided. Some of our wildlife cameras also have wireless connectivity that allows you to send images directly to your smartphone.
Yes, privacy considerations are important, especially when placing wildlife cameras in public areas. Respect the privacy of others and keep in mind the laws and regulations regarding the use of surveillance cameras in your area.
Maintain your wildlife camera by regularly checking the batteries and emptying the SD card. Clean the lens and sensor if necessary and make sure the camera is securely attached. On rainy or humid days, it is good to put the wildlife camera inside, open for a day every now and then to let all the moisture evaporate.
Kameraet blev tabt, hvilket fik strømkablets loddeposition til at afbrydes fra printkortet eller blev drevet af en forkert strømforsyning højere end 6V, hvilket resulterede i at printkortet blev brændt ud.
Kunders manglende viden om app-forbindelse eller forkerte trin fulgt; følg instruktionsvideoer (f.eks. hvordan du opsætter Wi-Fi).
Problem med kortkvaliteten nødvendiggør skift til et højhastighedsklasse 10 SD-kort.
Kortproblemer eller PIR-skader på grund af tab; afbryde forbindelsen til appen for at løse; adressere kortproblemer eller erstatte beskadiget PIR; Sørg for, at kameraet ikke er forbundet til appen, når det bruges uafhængigt.
Lavt batteriniveau gør det nødvendigt at skifte til et nyt batteri eller strømkilde.
Udendørs installationsproblemer: Forkert installation med ulåste spænder, usikrede vandtætte propper eller vandret placering; Sørg for sikker lodret installation, brug vandtætte propper korrekt, fastgør til et træ, og lad tørre, hvis der er fugt til stede.
Uønskede optagelser på grund af bevægelse eller høj varme: Flyt kameraet til et område uden bevægelsesproblemer, nulstil fabriksindstillingerne og formater SD-kortet; kontakt kundeservice, hvis problemerne fortsætter.
Batterilevetiden varierer med temperatur og billedoptagelsesfrekvens; sikre brug af nye alkaliske batterier og korrekt afbryderposition (ON, ikke TEST-tilstande).
Sørg for, at SD-kortet ikke er fuldt, batterierne er nye alkaliske, strømafbryderen er ON (ikke OFF eller TEST), SD-kortets skrivebeskyttelseskontakt ikke er låst, og overvej at formatere kortet, hvis det tidligere har været brugt i en anden enhed.
Sørg for installation af et komplet sæt med 4 batterier i korrekt position med korrekt polaritet; verificer kontaktens position fra OFF til TEST eller ON for at sikre korrekt tilstand; undgå direkte kontaktbevægelse fra ON til TEST, flyt altid fra OFF til TEST.
Natbilleder eller videoer virker for mørke på grund af forskellige faktorer såsom batteristrøm, blitzrækkevidde og kameraindstillinger; fotos eller videoer i dagtimerne virker for mørke, hvis de er rettet mod solen eller andre lyskilder; natbilleder kan virke for lyse på tættere afstande; fotos i dagtimerne kan se for lyse ud, hvis de er rettet mod solen eller andre lyskilder; billeder kan have stribede motiver på grund af dårlige lysforhold og opløsningsindstillinger; korte videoklip optages muligvis ikke til den indstillede længde på grund af fuldt SD-kort eller lavt batteri.
Sørg for, at den er indstillet til 'Til' for at vise tidsstempler på billeder.
I TEST-tilstand blinker LED'en for at angive bevægelsesdetektering til opsætning; under brug forbliver LED'en slukket for at holde kameraet skjult for spil.
Sørg for, at du har gemt ændringerne af alle parameterindstillinger, du har foretaget i opsætningstilstand, ved at trykke på OK efter at have ændret indstillingen.